Lockdown, for me, hit hard, not just physically, but mentally. It really made me question where I was at in life, and what truly made me happy. After seeing a few Bungeefit sessions on instagram, I googled sessions near me… introducing Pole Position Fitness.
I signed up to the next block immediately, to not allow myself the time to wimp out (I’m known to dither) but this time I wasn’t allowing myself to miss out because of my engrained insecurities.
Fast forward 18 months, and I’ve become a regular in multiple new classes and popped off to go get that Bungee Instructor Qualification!
These classes aren’t just classes, they’re therapy, fitness, love, happiness and such joyful goal-achieving moments that really help through the rollercoaster of life.
Along with baking.. everything’s a little better after a nice slice of cake. Balanced.